Injection moulds

APS is a company located in Spain with more than 50 years of experience, specialized in the manufacture and project management of highly innovative injection moulds. At APS we offer global solutions to the plastics industry, especially to the packaging industry, making moulds for high-end household items, bottle boxes, agricultural boxes, pallets, urban furniture and large containers (Big Box).

Standard injection moulds

At APS we manufacture injection moulds with an excellent quality/price ratio with a guarantee of large productions, ease of use and little maintenance by the client. We manufacture moulds for agricultural boxes, bottle boxes, pallets, milk boxes, boxes with lids, dairy boxes, etc.

High performance moulds

At APS we manufacture injection moulds with an excellent quality/price ratio with a guarantee of large productions, ease of use and little maintenance by the client. We manufacture moulds for agricultural boxes, bottle boxes, pallets, milk boxes, boxes with lids, dairy boxes, etc.